A little bit of lifestyle change

“The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat.”
– Albert Einstein

Despite my cheeky post about our work health check two weeks ago, I actually took it seriously enough to plan to make some lifestyle adjustments. My high glucose level concerned me. It’s probably inevitable because of family history that I’ll have diabetes at some stage in my life, but I don’t want to have it anytime soon.

So the plan was basically to get myself back into the gym and tweak my diet just a little bit. I say tweak because I know that just a slight adjustment to my very unhealthy diet will already make wonders to my glucose levels. Let me explain.

My usual meal staple is Chinese takeaway for lunch and McDonald’s for dinner – I’m talking minimum three days a week. I also don’t have breakfast (I wake up just in time to go straight to work) and have my stash of chips and instant noodles at home during times when I absent mindedly pass by McDonald’s and forget to buy my dinner.

Combination noodles: deliciously unhealthy

The change is to restrict my combined Chinese and McDonald’s takeaways to just two meals a week, try my best to not skip breakfast (there are supposedly healthy breakfasts for people on the go in the supermarket), and replace my stash of chips and instant noodles with fruits and nuts. I also started taking vitamin supplements (multivitamins, B complex, and Omega III).

The exercise is proving a bit more of a challenge. I was pumped when I discovered a 24-hour gym nearby and promptly took a 3-day pass. Unfortunately, the pass only allowed me to use the facilities during staffed hours, and with my schedule, I was only able to go once (where I barely survived 10 minutes on the treadmill). I think I’ll make do with neighbourhood brisk walks in the meantime.

And, sorry, I’m not even going to try the 5-serves of vegetables per day thing.

About Efrain Tionko

Geek-in-denial. Plays tennis, chess, and poker. Known to occasionally talk to self, but otherwise harmless.
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